Originally written: May 2005
Let’s imagine that we are Martians coming down to earth and seeking to build ourselves a new home for our new life here on this jewel of a blue-green planet. We are, as Martians of course, well connected to an extraordinary knowledge base and extremely rational in our behavior, but also passionate about the arts. We therefore approach this project almost like a science experiment, but want it to come out looking drop-dead gorgeous! As well as being concerned about performance-under-fire, we are also extremely cognizant of and sensitive to energy usage and environmental footprint issues.
Let’s imagine that we are Martians coming down to earth and seeking to build ourselves a new home for our new life here on this jewel of a blue-green planet. We are, as Martians of course, well connected to an extraordinary knowledge base and extremely rational in our behavior, but also passionate about the arts. We therefore approach this project almost like a science experiment, but want it to come out looking drop-dead gorgeous! As well as being concerned about performance-under-fire, we are also extremely cognizant of and sensitive to energy usage and environmental footprint issues.